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Postdoctoral Fellows: openings available


  • Research project in the area of macrophage-fibroblast signaling, cell migration, ovarian cancer metastasis and drug resistance, systems biology of drug response. Applicants should hold a PhD in bioengineering, biomedical sciences or related fields. Computational and experimental openings are available in the area of the microenvironment engineering. Please see detailed job description and apply using the link here. Email Yannis with any questions. Application materials include a CV, statement of research interests, and contact information for three references. 


Research assistants/technician :  openings available


  • We are seeking a research assistant/technician with expertise in cell biology and/or in vivo mouse models.   Please see detailed job description and apply via the link hereEmail Yannis with any questions. Application materials include a CV, statement of interest, and contact information for three references. 



Graduate students 


  • Prospective students:  please submit your application through the School of Engineering website by the December  deadline. You can list the Cellular Molecular Systems Engineering as your track and specify interest in working with Professor Zervantonakis. 


  • Accepted students (in the University of Pittsburgh graduate programs):  please email Yannis to discuss a lab rotation.


      Please email Yannis to discuss potential projects.



Undergraduate students


  • Please email Yannis with: 1) CV , 2) a 1-page statement of why you want to join the lab and what you hope to gain for this experience. 10hr/week time commitment is expected for undergraduate research assistant. We have projects for a wide range of backgrounds.





Please email Yannis (ioz1 (at) for further information and to discuss about ongoing projects in the lab.



Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh


© 2023 Tumor Microenvironment Engineering (TME) lab

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